Join us in helping terminally ill adults fulfill their last wish

Let’s make a difference today

Our Mission

Image of Stephanie Geoghegan at St. Brigid’s well in Kildare

Stephanie Geoghegan at St. Brigid’s well in Kildare

Steph’s A.R.K (Act of Random Kindness), holds one clear mission in its heart. To help terminally ill adults fulfil their last wish.

We know that over 90% of us will pass without ever fulfilling our smallest wish. Steph’s A.R.K aims to provide a service that helps terminally ill adults fulfill their last wish. We will do this by providing financial aid or by liaising with a corporate partner that can facilitate the wish to be granted.

We also aim where possible to include all immediate family members to join their loved one in fulfilling the wish.

With your help we can change lives

Steph's A.R.K knows the power and value of having a wish granted. Every wish granted to our beneficiaries is a dream come true and it can change a life.

As a recognised Irish charity that stemmed from pure empathy and integrity, we invite you now to join us on this journey.

You can make the difference and be the change in someone's life right now. Please help a terminally ill adult realise and fulfil their last wish.

Image of the Golden Gate Bridge in  San Francisco

Get Involved

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Help us financially so that we can make dreams come true

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“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”

— Maya Angelou


Steph's A.R.K puts the power of your Kindness to work because no terminally ill adult should pass without fulfilling their last wish.

We are dedicated to raising money for terminally ill adults, through your generous donations we are privileged to be able to grant their last wishes.