Our Wish Process

Step 1 – Referral

Steph’s A.R.K can accept referrals from the ‘Terminally’ ill Adult themselves, a Family member or a Medical Professional.

We can provide more information on the Types of Wishes we grant by contacting us on 0861679601 or by emailing us at info@stephsark.ie

Step 2 – Eligibility Criteria

The following must apply to have a Wish granted:

  • Resident in Ireland

  • Aged 18 years or over (We can accept an application if we receive it on the adult’s 18th Birthday or after)

  • Diagnosed with a ‘Terminal’ illness at the point of referral. (Please refer to our policy regarding the meaning of ‘Terminal’ Illness)

  • The Terminally ill adult’s consultant makes the final decision whether the Adult is Medically eligible to receive a Wish and whether the Adult is capable to participate in the Wish

  • We can only endeavour to grant Eligible Wishes

  • We can only grant one wish for any Adult, so an Adult should not have received a Wish from us before or from another Wish Granting Organisation

Step 3 – Contact Steph’s A.R.K

You can reach us on 0861679601 or by emailing us at info@stephsark.ie

Step 4 – The Wish

Provided that the Adult is Eligible, Steph’s A.R.K will liaise with the referring person, their family or the Adult. On Approval from the Medical Consultant, Steph’s A.R.K will set out to grant the Wish.

Step 5 – Granting the Wish

Steph's A.R.K  relies on the support of its generous donors & volunteers without them the Wish process would not be possible. Steph’s A.R.K will make every effort to grant the Wish requested, however there may be Wishes that we cannot fulfil due to circumstances. Please refer to our Beneficiary Selection Policy & Process. This is available through info@stephsark.ie.