Make A Difference in Someone's Life Today!

Did you know?

That Ireland has been named as the most generous country in the World? For four years running!! We are honoured to be part of this Community.

Steph’s A.R.K together with your support aims to put the power of your kindness to work.

Image of lady with arms outstretched looking out over the ocean

The problem

Over 90% of us will pass without fulfilling even our smallest wishes. Steph’s A.R.K recognises this issue and through collaboration with its partners, is working on solving the problem.

Steph’s A.R.K aims to help our beneficiaries and in doing this, we can help promote positive mental health among our Communities, our Families and our network of caring supporters. You!

Above all with your heroic help, we aim to leave deep, joyful, meaningful memories rooted in the hearts of terminally ill adults in Ireland and their loved ones.

Thank you for your amazing commitment and generosity!

Image of a silhouette of a dandelion

The solution

Steph’s A.R.K organisation was born from a moment of true Empathy, because of the realisation that terminally ill adults have wishes but often due to financial restrictions they will remain unfulfilled.

“I wish I could go to San Francisco”
“I wish I could take a trip on a Yacht”
“I wish I let myself be happier"

These are the words of the dying...

Your Donation allows us together, to quickly put these last wishes into action.

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